Try CallMantra for free
Why recruiters love CallMantra
- Integrate with 30+ ATSs including Bullhorn, Crelate, JobDiva, etc.
- Text 1:1 or send broadcast messages to hundreds of candidates at once.
- Connect with 3x more candidates with Verified Calling
- Call 70+ candidates/hour with Power Dialing
- Automated call and text logging
- 1- click texting from within your ATS or Chrome extension
- Call and text candidates directly from job boards and more.
Why recruiting managers love CallMantra
- Real-time analytics and leaderboards
- Listen in on calls and train recruiters with call monitoring
- Transcribe important calls and share them with recruiters.
- Recruit and stay connected from anywhere, anytime with mobile and desktop apps and much more.
- Free verified calling setup.Free until 12/31/2024
- Free onboarding and training.
- Free number porting and activation.